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Can you study a masters without a bachelors degree?
What is an MBA? A complete overview
Top 11 management skills you need to advance as a business leader
How to become a mental health nurse in Australia
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Master of Healthcare Leadership Q&A
Our live Q&A teleconference with Dr Louise Horstmanshof, course coordinator for the Online Master of Healthcare Leadership.
Invest your tax return in your career
While receiving a bit of your tax back can feel like a good chance to treat yourself, why not consider using it as an opportunity to put yourself in a position to advance your career.
Study That Moves With You
Southern Cross University has created a suite of online courses that are responsive, future focused, aligned to industry need, and have the flexibility to move with you, wherever you go.
The changing face of healthcare
The healthcare system is changing. Dr Louise Horstmanshof, Course Coordinator for the Master of Healthcare Leadership, says “we’re preparing in many ways for an unknown future”. We’re living longer…
Finding the funds to get your masters
Our courses are some of the most affordable in Australia – an MBA with us is $26,400 and a Master of Healthcare Leadership is just $21,960.