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4 healthy reasons to have another cup of coffee

Yep, that’s right. We’re telling you to brew up, because coffee is good for you.

After much speculation as to whether coffee was a health pro or no-no, extensive research has proven coffee prevents premature diabetes and cancer (not to mention, it’s the best way to wake up and get focused in the morning!).


Long live espresso, goodbye health problems

Several studies suggest that coffee drinkers have a far lower risk of premature death from health and lifestyle related causes than those who abstain from the humble coffee bean altogether. From inhibiting gallstones, liver diseases, cancers and Parkinson’s disease, coffee – particularly filtered coffee – can boost longevity in your organs and ward off illness and infection. Thanks a latte!


Diabetes? No thanks

Coffee drinkers are proven to be at a lower risk (between 23% and 67%!) of developing type II diabetes when compared with non-coffee-drinkers. The percentage depends on the individual and number of cups consumed per day. Each additional cup has been measured to provide a 7% reduced risk, due to the chlorogenic acid – which improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.


Sharpen your memory

Coffee boosts brainpower and memory capacity. It works by inhibiting the development of neurodegenerative disorders including dementia and Alzheimer’s by up to 60%. Overall, coffee enhances brain function in both the short- and long-term. Sipping a flat white while studying for exams might just do more good than you thought – and see you through those all-nighters!


Ramp up concentration

We all know coffee contains caffeine. A stimulant, it blocks the effects of Adenosine (an inhibitory neurotransmitter) and increases the release of Dopamine and Norepinephrine – improving your mood, reaction time, concentration and general cognitive function. If you’re an avid lover of health research, our Master of Healthcare Leadership course could be for you.

Speak to our student enrolment advisors on 1300 863 819 and find out how enrolling can help you uncover solutions and clues to future patient care.

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