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Study Online and Make Time for Family

The idea of studying while you have children is a daunting one, and one which inhibits many from pursuing postgraduate studies.

While the additional work can make things a little crazy, there are certain ways to make life easier, maintain a good balance and still ensure you’re being the best parent you can.


Work/life balance is more important than ever

Setting aside specific times for study, work and family time means you won’t end up sacrificing one for the other. Knowing you have a predetermined time to finish an assignment may help push you to complete it, giving you more time to spend with your family.

Conversely, ensure your family understands the importance of your education and can be flexible when you need them to be. Show your kids what you’re doing, and what the benefits will be when you’re complete. Creating a sense of understanding within your household will make things much easier as your studies progress.


Make use of your network

Your support network can often be your biggest asset while studying. Calling on friends or family for babysitting duties can give you an extra hour or two where you can completely focus on the task at hand. Use this distraction-free time for its intended purpose – don’t be tempted to catch up on the odd jobs around the house. If you know you’re likely to give in to the laundry, the dishes or the grocery shopping (or a glass of wine and a good book), it may be easier to leave the house altogether. A library, the local café or a co-working space can assist you in keeping study time separate.


Work together

If your children are older, setting a time for both of you to work together is a great way to lead by example and demonstrate the importance of discipline. The kids can finish their homework while you complete the work you need to do, allowing you to spend time with one another while working on your responsibilities.

With the flexibility of SCU’s online courses, fitting your studies around your children and work is a breeze. Work on your own schedule to finish your tasks, and ensure you keep your priorities where you want them to be.

Call our student enrolment advisors today on 1300 863 819, and see how our online studies can work for you.

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